Packing List Must Haves

It has happened to all of us. You forgot something on your packing list.  You are in the middle of a glorious vacation and then it hits you. You forgot to pack your toothpaste! While you can usually buy any forgotten item, it can still take away from your perfect vacation day. Here are 10 forgettable but necessary items that are packing list must haves.



 It is easy to forget an umbrella when the weather has recently been nice and sunny, but you never know when a shower is going to pop up. You don’t need to bring a giant umbrella that 4 people can fit under though. The compact one that fits in your purse or backpack will work just fine.



Packing List Must Haves: Phone charger
Always charge your phone at night next to your bed? Remember to grab that charger in the morning before you head to vacation or you will find yourself at the local drugstore looking for a replacement. A good idea is to invest in two chargers. I use one for home charging  and one for travel. You can also use the USB cord from the spare charger in the USB port of the rental car to charge your phone.



Packing List Must Haves: Toothbrush
Forgetting your toothbrush is the worst. Who wants bad breath on vacation? Your tour guide will make you walk 5 feet away from the group, and you won’t make any new friends. And, have you seen those free tiny toothbrushes hotels give you that fall apart after just one use?



Packing List Must Haves: Bathing Suit
Even if you aren’t going to the beach, it is still a good idea to pack a bathing suit. A lot of hotels have a swimming pool or a hot tub which can be the perfect way to relax and unwind after an action-packed day. Plus, you don’t want to be the only one in your party just sitting on the side of the pool dipping your feet in, do you?



Even if you are planning a summer trip to the beach, you should remember to pack a light jacket. Restaurants might have the AC cranked all the way up, and airplanes can sometimes be a very chilly in your tank tops and sandals.



Packing List Must Haves: Light Jacket
I often keep my sunglasses in my purse so I don’t forget them on my daily adventures. But that means when I switch purses for vacation they get left at home. It probably won’t break the bank to buy new ones at a Target or a gas station in the destination city, but who wants to buy a quick pair of random looking sunglasses and end up looking ridiculous in all the vacation photos?



Packing List Must Haves: Meds
Prescriptions are a must when you are traveling. It can be difficult and time consuming to have your doctor call in a new prescription to a new pharmacy while you are on vacation. Also, take a couple extra days worth just in case your flight back home is delayed or you get stuck in bad weather.



Packing List Must Haves: Bandaids
You never know when you are going to trip and fall because you were ogling at all the hot Italian guys and girls, so it is best to keep a small stash of band-aids in your purse. As an added bonus, if one of those gorgeous hunks gets scratched, you can go to his rescue.



Packing List Must Haves: Ear Plugs
We have all been there. The hotel room next to yours is having a party, and no matter how many times you report them to the front desk they won’t quiet down. Save yourself from the headache and wear earplugs. They also come in useful during long flights and at dance clubs with overly loud sound system.



Packing List Must Haves: Large Scarf
Believe it or not, a large scarf is one of the most versatile items you can bring on a vacation. You can obviously wear it as a scarf to dress up your outfit or keep the chill away, but you can also sit on it for a spontaneous picnic in the park, use it as a blanket on a chilly plane flight, or tie it around your waist for a cute swimsuit cover-up.